External Resources
This section of our website contains a list of links to external sites that we feel may be useful to our visitors. It emcompasses governmental sites, information sites and other resources. Please bear in mind that we have no control over the content of these external sites. Each of the sites listed below will open in a new window, if you have pop-up blockers installed you may need to hold down the control button when clicking on the link (or allow pop-ups from schools-search).
School Inspections
Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) - School Inspections in England
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIe) - School Inspections in Scotland
Department of Education (DENI) Education and Training Inspectorate - School Inspections in Northern Ireland
Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales (Estyn) - School Inspections in Wales
Governmental sites
Department for Education and Science (DFES)
Directgov - Education and Learning
Parents Centre - Information and support for parents
Information sites
Childline - Free and confidential helpline for children
Bullying Online - Advice, help and support for bullying
Online Procurement
Schoolquote - A streamlined service for obtaining quotations for everything from paper to building works.
Teaching and Resources
TeacherNet - The educaton site for teachers and school managers
Primary Resources - Free lesson plans, activity ideas and resources for primary teachers
Teaching Ideas - Ideas and resources for primary teachers
Parasites' Paradise - primary resources, free teaching resources, lesson plans, teaching ideas and more
Teachweb - A UK teaching agency that provides teachers to schools across the UK.
Free Teaching Resources - Resources, lesson plans and worksheets produced by top UK companies, charities, museums and more...
Resources for schools - from First Class Schools
Home Education
UK Private Tutors, Private Tuition Portal - Home Tutors Directory provides resources for students, parents and tutors on matters relating to education and private tuition in the UK.
First Tutors - Find home tutors across the UK, or sign up to receive enquiries from people seeking tuition in your local area. First Tutors is recommended by The Good Schools Guide.
Tutor Me Ltd - Private Tuition for GCSE, A Level and Primary Education in Yorkshire, Lancashire & UK wide
School Governors
Governornet - Information for school governors
National Association of School Governors
URLZ Directory - A human edited web and search directory with various categories, submission is always free.
UK Guides and Directories related Directory
Newspapers and News
The education section of the Independent Newspaper
BBC Schools - Learning resources for home and school